This morning, we were planning on taking a look at the Metasys system to see what other information it would give us about the energy consumption in the Collins Center. Unfortunately, when Anil tried to log in, a message popped up that said that he is unable to log in. We initially attempted to call Dwayne, but all of our calls went straight to his voice-mail. Because of this, we were unable to properly take a look at the Collins Center. Instead, we decided to take a trip down to the auditorium to take a look for ourselves to see if we would determine the cause of all the energy consumption. Right before we went down, our new principal, Mr. Conrad, paid us a visit. He told us that he was very interested in what we were doing, and asked us if we could show him some of our findings. He told us that he was impressed, and that he would like to help us to the best of his ability. Afterwards, we headed on over to the Collins Center and made a few observations. One very noticeable one was that it was very cold. Although it is hot outside, the air conditioning simply does not need to be running during the day. Also, we found that the lights were still on on the stage, which is also unreasonable considering that no one is in the auditorium. One good thing that came out of this is that upon realizing how chilly it was in there, Anil talked to the janitors about the problem. They agreed to turn off the air conditioning. Hopefully, this will be reflected by less energy consumption when we look at the kWh used tomorrow.
Note:The information here is about the findings from August 18
Note:The information here is about the findings from August 18